Sheets works similarly to Excel for these operations. We’ve added another column with the vital currency detail as well eg GoogleFinance(A3,’currency’) For simplicity we’ll just lookup the price. Go to Google Drive and make a new sheet.Īdd to the sheet codes you want to look up, then a column with calls to GoogleFinance() to lookup those codes. To make this work, create a new Google Sheets from the online service (not the downloadable software). 18 different ‘attributes’ for each stock or index – too many to show in a single screen image (they’re listed later in this article). Google’s GoogleFinance() function returns a lot of information about many global stocks and indexes. Once you get the data into a Google Sheet, it can be automatically exported and grabbed by Excel. Google’s version of Excel is Sheets and that has a nifty function that grabs stock prices right into the worksheet. It’s a sad indictment of Microsoft Office that the best place to get stock data is Google. This time we’ll use the improved Query system in recent versions of Excel combined with data from Google Finance.
It’s part of a series: introduction and using MSN Money in Excel. Here’s another method of getting stock prices into Excel. Thanks for joining us! You'll get a welcome message in a few moments.